Why Choose Solar?
Cost effective and affordable.
Save on utility bill as soon as system is commissioned
We try to size systems where energy produced = energy used resulting in a net of $0.00 monthly utility bill
Receive 30% of installation cost back as tax credit at the end of the year through 2020
Qualify for generous incentives from your electric provider.
Up to $0.90/watt
Increase the value of your home
Resale value being $5,911 per each kilowatt (kW) installed
according to costofsolar.com
The Environment
Minimize your environmental footprint.
Greater energy security due to reductions in imported fuel.
Stronger economic growth through the creation of green jobs.
No noise, pollution, or moving parts.
Long Lasting & Durable
25 year warranty on all installed systems.
Can withstand all weather conditions.
No moving parts, very durable.
Provide protection against increasing utility rates.